Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Complete Writing Guide on a Public Relations Term Paper

The Complete Writing Guide on a Public Relations Term Paper Being a student means being challenged with ideas of where to start or how to finish any given assignment. Meanwhile, the teaching and studying processes always are aimed at revealing the already existing ideas and concepts, and at the same time encouraging students to develop their thoughts. Once you get the task to write a term paper, your professor probably waits for your paper as soon as possible. Know why? Not only because he/she wants to put a mark for your research and writing, but because your term paper is a source where everyone can familiarize with new explorations of the field. In your case, it is Public Relations. Nonetheless, most students fail to write their term papers. The common reason for such failures is a disregard of basic writing instructions or the lack of knowledge or skills about what writing a specific type of paper means. Let’s discover your particular assignment a public relations term paper in detail. Get Started to Write a Term Paper on Public Relations So the time has come for writing your first term paper. If your discipline is Public Relations, then writing a term paper sounds even more challenging just because of the variety of topics in public relations. Nonetheless, the first point which you have to familiarize with is what a term paper means and why it is so specific for you. As a type of research paper, a term paper is especially important because it accounts for the largest part of a grade. With that in mind, a term paper appears to be more valuable in comparison to essays or other research papers. However, it means that you shouldn’t pay much attention to essay and research paper writing on public relations. Term papers are writing assignments in which a student is supposed to argue a specific point. That is why, presenting an interesting, controversial topic is a basic step to start with. First of all, you should brainstorm the issues you can write about. In order to brainstorm effectively, take a paper and a pen. Write the main concept or a topic which came into your mind. You may even use colored pencils for categorizing your research elements. Choose the Most Interesting Topic in Public Relations for a Term Paper Further, think of the other concepts and problems the main topic associates with. When it comes to term paper writing, think of the material which you learn during the term: What assumptions appear interesting to you? What ideas do you agree/disagree with? What field of study would you like to investigate more? and so on. At the same time, think of the notions you strongly disagreed with. The more topics and controversial ideas you find, the more opportunities to choose a definite subject you have. Usually, a professor offers a list of topics for term papers. However, students are sometimes asked to find a topic by themselves. While searching for a topic, focus on the innovation which your term paper may present. For instance, the use of technologies in modern public relations. The title of your term paper may sound like â€Å"The Use of Digital Elements in Public Relations† or â€Å"The Importance of Technological Progress in Public Relations.† Here is a list of public relations term paper writing topics which you may find interesting for writing a term paper on public relations. Negative and Positive Influence of Social Media on Public Relations; Employee Generated Content and Public Relations; X Modern Changes in the Public Relations Agency Model; Public Relations Agency Model in the Future; How to Make the Crisis and Reputation Management Effective; The Relationship of Public Relations and Globalization. All topics are related to the importance of public relations in the communication with external organizations. Along with that, public relations term papers can communicate the social significance of a company as well as increase its credibility and reputation, yet the company’s status in the business world. Find the Best Sources of Information for Your Term Paper After you define the topic of your term paper, you may start your research. Make a list of the sites and databases which may contain the useful information. The most helpful databases are JSTOR, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect. Remember that you should use only credible sources. While performing in-depth research, try to make notes whether in schemes or just text passages. You may be surprised how such notes may be useful in case you have run out of ideas. Develop a Strong Thesis Statement for Your Public Relations Term Paper Further, you should create a thesis statement which is a â€Å"heart† of your term paper. Thesis statement implies a meaningful idea which you are going to offer to the audience or in other words, a simple notion to defend which meanwhile is an answer to the core question of your paper. For instance, if you have chosen a topic â€Å"The Use of Digital Elements in Public Relations,† then your primary question is â€Å"Why are digital elements important in Public Relations?† Later, your thesis statement, which is an answer to the question above, may sound as following: ‘The use of digital elements is extremely useful in the public relations as the former constitutes the entire system of messaging between the internal elements of the company and the external organizations.’ Remember that any statement needs significant reasoning. With that in mind, a statement like â€Å"Digital elements are important in public relations† is not enough to persuade your reader and prove the meaningfulness of your assumptions. Be creative but present only credible information. Prepare a Well-Organized Outline of Your Term Paper The last preparation step is an outline. Certainly, you may skip this step and start writing immediately. However, such an approach may complicate your process of writing as you may lose your track of thoughts, and your paper will look messy because of unexplored ideas, yet confuse the reader. Obviously, to make your essay perfect, you should write down an outline to set your ideas in order. Though the Internet may offer you some specific types of outlines, the most common type contains the following parts: Introduction with the thesis statement, Body parts, Conclusion and recommendations. Our Experts Give Advice on the Principal Amount of Work on a Public Relations Term Paper The first part of any academic paper is an introductory paragraph. The latter provides a basic knowledge of a subject which is going to be discussed. In academic papers, an introductory paragraph does not have to grab the reader’s attention as such type of a paper is not a magazine or newspaper article. Indeed, the first sentence should represent the overall facts about the topic. For instance, an introductory paragraph for a term paper which discusses the above-mentioned topic â€Å"The Use of Digital Elements in Public Relations† may start with the following sentence: ‘Technological progress has become an irreplaceable part in the modern world and has constantly been affecting the businesses.’ Do not start your introductory paragraph with your thesis statement! Further, you should add more information about the issue you are going to investigate and its importance. For instance, you may refer to the history of the digital elements in regards to public relations and find how digital discoveries passed into the system of public relations. The last sentence of your introductory paragraph should be the thesis statement. Congratulations! You have done everything to start persuading your readers by strong arguments which are going to constitute the main part of the paper its body. The body paragraphs should contain no less than four full lines. Additionally, keep in mind the need to use transitional words and phrases for the primary reason of connecting the sentences and creating a logical presentation of argumentations. At the same time, remember to use transitional words for comparison, clarification, contrast, conclusion, etc. Also, never start your sentences with conjunctions. To achieve a proper structure, divide draft variant of the paper into several sections which would contain the main concepts. In accordance to the topic â€Å"The Use of Digital Elements in Public Relations,† your sections may be as following: â€Å"The General Implementation of Digital Elements in Public Relations†, â€Å"Electronic Public Relations†, â€Å"The Suggestions for the Future Development of Digital Elements in Public Relations† As you see, all sections of your paper should discuss different subtopics which reveal the subject of your paper and serve as a definite proof for the thesis statement. At last, the paragraphs should contain references which are also additional credible evidence for your assumptions. The last part of your paper is conclusion which usually goes as a separate section. In the conclusion part, you should mention the results of your study or to be more precise, rephrase the thesis statement and then demonstrate the evidence which you have come to during your research process. Being a summary of the paper, the conclusion is the most well-developed part which presents the results in proper order. Remember the strict rule while writing your conclusion: do not include new information which has not been mentioned in the paper as this confuses the reader and makes your track of thought unclear. Create a list of sources you referred to. An appropriate system of referencing will help avoid plagiarism as academic integrity is the main condition which allows the professor to trust you and makes you a professional writer. Depending on the format which your paper requires, the name of the list which contains sources will be called References (for the APA format), Bibliography (for the Chicago style) or Work(s) Cited (for the MLA format). The Internet will offer you various citing programs. However, it is recommendable that you check your citations by the special guides. Such book as How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing (LifeTools: Books for the General Public) by Paul J. Silvia will be of great help to you. Meanwhile, installing an anti-plagiarism software is another efficient step to avoid academic dishonesty, for instance, PlagTracker and PlagScan. The most popular plagiarism and grammar checker of modernity is Grammarly. It is easy for everyone to get access to Grammarly as the program is free. Though any plagiarism checker is considered an effective tool for the detection of academic dishonesty, the additional grammar checking is highly advisable. After checking the grammar by the software, read your paper one more time. Use the following questions to stay confident about the quality of your paper: Is the text properly divided into paragraphs? Are the words in the names of the sections and subsections capitalized? Is your paper well-structured? Does it contain the repeating thoughts which should be avoided? Is the additional information properly cited? Are the sources presented in alphabetical order in the List of References? While checking the paper, pay attention to the structure of the sentences and the language. Do not make the sentences cumbersome it is better to divide a complex sentence into some short sentences if the complex structure makes the sentence messy. Be specific in your evidence and be clear in your track of thoughts. At the same time, avoid using non-academic language, for instance, the elements of slang or colloquial words: use â€Å"allow† instead of â€Å"let,† â€Å"child† instead of â€Å"kid,† etc. Remember that language is your tool for writing the paper, yet you should present an excellent knowledge of an academic language that will help you write a high-quality paper. Now let’s sum up the tips of writing a term paper! The Ingredients of a Good Public Relations Term Paper Writing Process: Brainstorm and research the topic; Create a strong thesis statement; Write a detailed outline; Write the body paragraphs: the part where you will present your evidence for the argumentation; Conclude logically; Write a list of references; Check the style and format; Check the grammar. 3 Points to Avoid While Writing a Term Paper on Public Relations: Boring and meaningless topics. Pretend to be an innovator and find an issue which would be interesting for being explored. Think of innovation. Ask yourself: how can my idea be meaningful? Your professor will value your attempt to demonstrate the thinking-outside-the-box skills. Plagiarism. Academic dishonesty is the main enemy you have to fight with to deliver a high-quality paper. Certainly, your professor has already familiarized with the majority of the professional literature. Now your professor is interested in your ideas. Be free to surprise your instructor. Non-academic language. Your professor knows what the words â€Å"dude† or â€Å"guy† mean. However, it would not be a bright idea to put them in a term paper. Remember that formal language is the best option for an major textual assignment. 3 Points to Consider While Writing a Term Paper in Public Relations: This means that the more thoughts are yours, the higher are your chances to get an excellent grade. Nonetheless, this does not mean that you should not refer to the studies of other researchers. Indeed, you must refer to the credible sources and properly cite them to avoid academic dishonesty. Proper research. This means the use of credible sources and perfect knowledge of the investigated subject. That is why using credible databases and sites is highly advisable while searching for information. Such databases as JSTOR, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science will appear to be helpful for your research. Writing style. As it has been mentioned, academic language is the core requirement in any academic paper. To refine your grammar, use the grammar-checking software along with the anti-plagiarism one. For this purpose, Grammarly is the best option as the program will allow you to simultaneously check the grammar and avoid plagiarism. In addition, the program is free which is a wonderful advantage if you are a student. Though perfectness is difficult to achieve, no one has forbidden you at least to try to reach it. Now, you’re ready to write a term paper on Public Relations as required by your instructor. We’re sure you’ll do it effectively for your academic performance and the field of study in particular. Just follow our public relations term paper guide step by step!

Friday, November 22, 2019

German to Englilsh Cooking Glossary - Kochglossar

German to Englilsh Cooking Glossary - Kochglossar Whats more authentic than learning to cool a German Chocolate Cake using a recipe written in German? Cooks and bakers can use this German-English glossary that focuses on terms found in recipes and food preparation. It includes terms for instructions and measures as well as ingredients. If you are exploring a German recipe, you should keep this handy to interpret ingredients and measures into English. Kochglossar (Cooking Glossary) Key: Noun gender: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), or s (das, neu.) adj. adjective, v. verb A abkà ¼hlen v. cool off, cool down abseihen v. strain, sieve (Aus., S. Ger.) s Auftragen serving (up) vor dem Auftragen before serving aufkochen v. bring to a boil aufschlagen v. beat, whip (aus)quellen lassen v. let expand, rise ausrollen v. roll out (dough) ausstechen v. cut/press out (with a cookie cutter) B s Backfett / Pflanzenfett shortening e Backform baking dish, tin r Backofen (baking) oven im vorgeheizten Backofen in a preheated oven s Backpulver baking powder, baking soda (s Natron) s Backrohr oven bei 180 Grad at 180 degrees (Celsius, 356 degrees  Fahrenheit) bestreuen v. sprinkle (on) Bltter slices (nuts, etc.; Mandelbltter sliced almonds) s Blech/Backblech baking tray, pan r Brà ¶sel / r Semmelbrà ¶sel breading, crumbs C r Champignon mushroom (for cooking) s Chinin quinine e Creme cream, mousse, sauce e Cremetorte cream cake cremig creamy etw cremig rà ¼hren / schlagen to stir/beat until creamy D s Dekagramm decagram, 10 grams (Austria) direkt gepresst (Orangensaft)  fresh-squeezed (orange juice) direkt gepresster Orangensaft  fresh-squeezed orange juice r Direktsaft  fresh-squeezed (orange) juice E s Eigelb egg yolk drei Eigelb the yolks of three eggs s Eiklar egg white s Eiweiß egg white drei Eiweiß / Eiklar the whites of three eggs EL tablespoon (see below) r Esslà ¶ffel (EL) tablespoon gestrichener Esslà ¶ffel level tablespoon gehufter Esslà ¶ffel heaped/heaping tablespoon r Estragon tarragon F e Flà ¼ÃƒÅ¸igkeit liquid, fluid e Fritteuse deep fryer frittieren to deep fry e Frittà ¼re deep fryer G s Gefß vessel, bowl, container gemahlen adj ground (up) - mahlen to grind gerieben adj. grated abgeriebene Schale einer Zitrone grated lemon peel geriebener Kse grated cheese geschlt adj. peeled gestrichen level(ed) gestrichener Esslà ¶ffel level tablespoon s Gewà ¼rz (-e) seasoning(s), spice(s) Estragon tarragon Knoblauch garlic Kà ¼mmel caraway Lorbeerblatt bay leaf Schnittlauch chives e Gewà ¼rznelke(n)/Nelke(n) clove(s) e Glasur glazing, icing r Grad degree(s) s Gramm gram 250 Gramm Mehl 250 grams of flour r Guss (Zuckerguss) (sugar) glazing, icing H e Hlfte half (of) heiß hot r Herd range, stove (cooking) Elektroherd electric stove Gasherd gas stove I r Ingwer ginger (spice) K kalt cold r Kardamom cardamom, cardamon (a type of ginger spice) kneten v. knead (dough) kochen v. boil, cook s Kochbuch cook book r Kochlà ¶ffel wooden spoon r Koriander coriander, cilantro, Chinese parsley (seasoning) e Kuvertà ¼re (chocolate) covering, icing L s Lachsmesser (smoked) salmon knife e Lachsmousse salmon mousse lieblich moderately sweet (wine) r Là ¶ffel spoon r Lorbeer bay leaf (seasoning)   M die Mandel (Mandeln) almond(s) Mandelbltter sliced almonds mahlen v. grind fein / grob mahlen grind finely / coarsely gemahlen (adj) ground e Masse mixture s Mehl flour e Messerspitze (Msp.) knife tip, a pinch of... Msp. knife tip, a pinch of... r Muskat nutmeg N s Natron baking soda, bicarbonate of soda e Nelke(n) / Gewà ¼rznelke(n) clove(s) O e Oblate (-n) wafer s Ãâ€"l (-e) oil (s Olivenà ¶l olive oil) s Orangeat (-e) candied orange peel P Palmin Softâ„ ¢ (brand name) a Crisco-like shortening e Panade coating of breadcrumbs (for frying) panieren to bread (for frying) paniert breaded s Paniermehl breading, bread crumbs s Pektin pectin s Pflanzenfett / Backfett shortening s Pfund pound (metric: 500 g, 1.1 U.S. pounds) zwei Pfund Kartoffeln two pounds (1kg) of potatoes e Prise dash (approx. 1 gram) eine Prise Salz a dash of salt r Puderzucker powdered sugar R rà ¼hren v. stir, mix s Rà ¼hrgert mixer, mixing machine S r Saft juice e Schale peel (orange, lemon) r Schnee meringue (e Meringe) r Schneebesen whisk verquirlen v. to whisk, beat seihen v. to strain, sieve (Austria, S. Ger.) r Seiher sieve, strainer, colander (Austria, S. Ger.) Semmelbrà ¶sel (pl.) breading, crumbs (Austria, S. Ger.) s Sieb sieve, sifter, strainer, colander durch ein Sieb streichen strain, sift, press through a sieve sieben to sift, strain e Speisestrke cornstarch, cornflour, thickening agent s Strkemehl cornstarch, cornflour r Strkezucker glucose streichen v. press, rub; spread (butter, etc.) T r Teelà ¶ffel teaspoon gestrichener Teelà ¶ffel level teaspoon gehufter Teelà ¶ffel heaped/heaping teaspoon r Teig dough, mixture der Germteig yeast dough (Austria) der Hefeteig yeast dough den Teig gehen lassen let the dough rise e Terrine terrine, soup tureen TL teaspoon (see above) U à ¼berbacken au gratin (baked over) unbehandelt natural, organic eine unbehandelte Limette a natural lime (untreated with pesticides, etc.) unterheben to fold in (ingredients) unter Zugabe von... while adding... V e Vanillestange vanilla pod r Vanillezucker vanilla-flavored sugar verfeinern v. refine verquirlen v. to whisk, beat until foamy vorgeheizt preheated im vorgeheizten Backofen in a preheated oven W s Wasserbad double boiler im Wasserbad in a double boiler wiegen, abwiegen v. weigh wà ¼rzen v. season, add seasoning/spices Z ziehen v. steep, simmer, marinade s Ziehfett/Pflanzenfett shortening (Crisco Palmin Soft) r Zimt cinnamon e Zitrone (-n) lemon(s) s Zitronat (-e) candied lemon peel, citron e Zubereitung preparation (directions) zusetzen v. add (to) e Zutat (Zutaten) ingredient(s)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Isms Related to the film Waking Life Assignment

Isms Related to the film Waking Life - Assignment Example An appreciation of the influences of surrealism, Dadaism, and expressionism as reflected in the film Waking Life should begin with an appreciation of the distinguishing features of the three isms. In general terms, films that embrace the aspect of surrealism will often tend to portray certain cinematographic techniques in unnatural, and bizarre, unrestrained, and nearly superfluous representations to capture the essence of the subconscious potential. This is usually meant to uncover the hidden truths and potentials that are naturally restrained by the conscious processes. The reliance on the subconscious to create new meaning and expand on old realities requires a determined shift from the usual order, which is synonymous with the conscious world. In this film, the film director employed multiple techniques to achieve the aspect of surrealism (Linklater 67). The visual and audio techniques of the film evoke a sense of strangeness that dislocates natural truths as known in the physica l world. By representing characters and situations in dreamlike worlds, the director achieves the purpose of aligning the aspects of reality in distorted forms. There seems to be no established order and the representation of the physical forms is generally distorted or, in some cases, altogether formless. The representation of these aspects of reality might be considered as one of the primary considerations of the director in his desire to engage the subconscious processes of the mind. The discussions that take place in this film are generally aimed at emphasizing on illusory realities, which are held as supreme and limitless. For instance, the protagonist eventually floats to oblivion at the end of the film. He is lifted by indescribable forces and appears to have finally transited into the dream world and woken up from the illusion of the physical world in line with the reflections that dominate the film. It might be necessary to regard this aspect of floating as the ultimate tri umph of the super-real over the real. Paranormal feelings and actions are brought out in the reflections and actions of the film to unleash the full potential of the subconscious processes. The use of light and colour also contributes to the development of the surrealistic features of the film. There is little balance in colour, which makes the representations to appear incongruous and altogether indescribable. In this manner, it makes sense to consider this film as the ultimate representation of alternative forms of existence that can be achieved by harnessing the power of the subconscious mind. Dadaism has very close relationships with surrealism and is usually regarded as the parent idea from which surrealism emerged. Dada art usually seeks to unsettle aspects of reality in ways that does not make sense within the conventional systems. Both surrealism and Dadaism emerged in Europe after the periods of war as a rebellion by artists to the ways of thinking that culminated into the chaos (Elger 71). They were embraced as the antithesis to the dominant systems of thought. Dadaism would embrace mediocrity, nonsense, and outlandish qualities to expand on the various aspects of reality. It would be important to regard these forms of art as encompassing the entire

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

UDF (United Dairy Farmers) Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

UDF (United Dairy Farmers) Analysis - Assignment Example This ice-cream has been known for its heavy use of fresh condiments and low overrun. In 1984, the UDF Homemade Brand of ‘Cookies N Cream’ was designated by People Magazine as the Number One Brand of Exotic Ice Cream across Canada and the USA. Following this endorsement, UDF Brand ice creams have increased in popularity and can be found in many states in the mid-central region of the USA. The business has expanded to Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia and Virginia. UDF also produces and sells Frosty Malts and Sherbets, Special Recipe ice-creams, yogurts and milk shakes (UDF Website, History Section). Identification of Risks The making and selling of ice-creams is an exciting business but is nevertheless fraught with different types of risks. Some of these are natural but others are manmade. Consequently, some of the risks can be covered by insurance a nd other safety and security procedures while others just have to be borne or dealt with. In my interview with the manager, I determined that the following risks were most relevant to UDF’s ice-cream related business: a. Risk of long power failure and melting of inventory; b. Risk of legal action due to foreign objects found in products; c. Risk of contamination of ice cream due to chemical agents; d. Risk of ice cream parlor/ store outlet burning down; e. Risk of rioting, hooliganism and other disruptive activities; f. Risk of employees going on strike or industrial action; g. Risk of bad service because employees are insufficiently trained; h. Risk of its formulas and recipes being compromised; i. Risk of contaminated supplies of inputs; j. Risk of contamination or exposure in the delivery process. Steps That Can Be Taken to Mitigate These Risks The risk of long power failure though unheard of is possible in case of a natural calamity like a tornado, blizzard, thunderstorm or flood striking Columbus, Ohio. Riots and strikes are also covered. Even emergency systems could be affected and businesses forced to shut down for some time. In this case keeping the inventory and supplies safe, secure and ready for consumption will be a challenge. However the business has determined its usual stock of inventory and consumption on weekdays, weekends and public holidays and has accordingly ensured each store on the average level of stocking and consumption. The backup system at the stores ensures that power is available for three days or 72 hours but after that something will have to be done to preserve the merchandise. Insurance has been taken out for possible inventory losses and also a contract has been entered into with a cold storage plant so that supplies and goods can be stored there in an emergency, ensuring business continuity. Quality control is strictly ensured as all inputs are checked before inclusion in the production process. In case there are signs of low quality, the entire lot is returned and replaced according to the contract with suppliers. The business has also hired local legal and advertising agencies to promote its products via various media including television, billboard and internet based advertising. The legal firm is also responsible for vetting all press releases and protecting against copyright and trademark infringements. It is

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Activity Essay Example for Free

Activity Essay Another strength of mine is knowing my audience. When reading to say an older crowd they probably wouldn’t like a lot of loud sound effects like a fire truck or a police car. When reading to a younger crowd say for example â€Å"the car came to a screeching holt† making a sound of a car coming to a sudden stop would not be bad at all and It will keep your young listeners entertained. Critical thinking can be a hard concept to grasp because your just not letting your pen or pencil flow freely you have to think and analyze your answer. One of my strengths in critical thinking is to be able to take notes while reading so when it comes to the questions at the end I can tell myself that the answer is in my notes somewhere so I know I should find it. A weakness of mine is that I get lazy and I wont turn back to my notes to actually find the answer I might just fill in whatever I feel is correct. Another one of my weaknesses is sometimes I may not read the question all the way through and because of that I wont get the exact answer that I need and I wind up not caring anymore. The writing process in my opinion is the most important part of writing without it your paper would probably make no sense and have a lot of mistakes. Strength of mine in the writing process is that I like to plan my writing carefully before just jumping into a paper. A weakness in this area is that I hate the revising and editing portion and I know its something that I need to work on if I want to have a great paper. Another strength is when I write the paper I try to get it exactly how I want it the 1st time so the second time through I just have to add a couple words or periods here or there. Spelling and grammar everyone’s favorite part of a paper without it nobody would ever understand what you were trying to say. If you leave your paper with a lot of sentence fragments and run-ons nobody will bother to pick up anything you have written. Strength of mine in this area is I typically read over a sentence aloud twice to make sure it makes sense and it’s not a run-on. A weakness of mine is that I am not a very good speller without word and spell check all my teachers would probably look at me like I was crazy and its something that I have got to work on. Another weakness is sometimes I may forget a comma or a period or put a period where a question mark should go and if you give that paper to a newspaper or magazine they will hand it right back to you. Writing has a lot of components and some of the most important ones are rhetorical knowledge, critical thinking, reading and writing; writing processes; and knowledge of conventions. Even though every one has there own strengths and weaknesses you can always get your strengths stronger and your weaknesses stronger also.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Bridging the Divide: An Analysis of Indian Education :: Essays Papers

Bridging the Divide: An Analysis of Indian Education Introduction: Educational levels have always been regarded as key indicators, not just of economic development, but of social well being. For this reason, literacy rates are of interest to development economists and social activists alike. Literacy is in fact, a component of the Human Development Indicator, suggesting that income and mortality alone cannot capture the essential quality of life that a person enjoys. Yet statistics on overall literacy rates are deceiving, for they do not reflect the social inequities which determine who receives the opportunity to become literate and who does not. India, the country of focus for this paper, provides an excellent example of the complex nature of literacy. Development scholars have often cited India as an example of progress in the field of education, as in the past five decades national literacy levels have almost tripled, from 18.33% in 1951 to 52.2% in 2001. However this statistic masks the fact that the growth is mainly attributable to increases in male literacy (from 27% to over 65% during the same time span). While women’s literacy rates have improved, by the turn of the century, over 60% of Indian women remained illiterate. While the Indian state issued various statements asserting its commitment to female education. any progress in the area has only been made very recently when, with the growth of nongovernmental organizations (henceforth NGOs) working in the field of non-formal women’s schooling, a lot of work has been done on identifying barriers to female education in India. The purpose of this paper is not to synthesize the work done by these NGOs. Instead, I wish to outline a framework in which to understand the problems women face in attaining literacy, in order to devise progressive policies and more effectively implement them. In the first part of this paper, I attempt to explain the underlying similarities between many impediments to female education for poor rural and urban communities. I describe how different social contexts mold the manifestations of these problems, but not the issues themselves. Many difficulties women face must be therefore be understood as national problems, but require specific understanding in order to address the particular forms those issues take in local communities. While all poor Indian women face challenges in receiving an education, some female populations are particularly marginalized. Therefore, in the next part of my analysis, I focus on the reasons for urban-rural gaps in the literacy rates between Indian women, taking the case of lower-caste poor women living in North Indian villages.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Patients Need of Healthcare by Strategic Management

The deliberative model in healthcare is expected to meet quite a few of the needs of the American public regarding the general area of healthcare. Of the many areas that may decide to look at this problem, an attempt is made here to look at two specific problems. One is the need of patients taking medicine properly and the other is the needs of patient care among all Americans. The problems in taking medication have been taken up on the issue of individual needs of patients for education on medicine taking. The education needs of patients in this area are not being met by healthcare providers. It may be worthwhile to take up a study to develop medication taking instructions for patients which can be used by health care providers in the long run. The aim should be to reach an approach which will be based on the view of patients regarding their needs of taking medicine and at the same time, also taking into account the concerned theories for health and education. The problem has been accentuated by the development of new medicines for the treatment of problems in diseases. This is clear when one notices that in Canada it self, 167 new drugs were introduced in the period from 1997 to 2001. This has led to the total number of drugs in the market reaching a figure of over 3,000. This shows that there is no shortage of drugs, yet a large number of patients are not being able to get the benefits that the medicines are expected to give. In one study it was seen that about 12% of the cases of hospitalization that are taking place now could be avoided if the condition of the patient was properly managed when the patient was undergoing treatment at home. They could have been cared for by family physicians, nurses and pharmacists. This is further accentuated with the knowledge given by another study that 43% of these avoidable admissions were in the area of some chronic diseases like asthma, diabetes or heart failure. These diseases require patients to use medicines over a long term. This shows clearly that patients with chronic diseases are being hospitalized regularly when they could have been cared for in the home by doctors working outside the hospitals. (Bajcar, 2003) When the patients are put on medicines, they should receive the maximum benefits from their medicines. For this purpose, the first point is the correct procedure of prescribing the medicine for the patient along with the dosing requirements. The second part is that these medicines have to be taken and this has to be done properly. This is generally decided by the patient. It has been seen in many instances that the process of preparing the prescriptions is not linked correctly to the process of taking the medicines. This often leads to the future hospitalization of the patient. During an analysis that was done recently it was seen that pf the total number of admissions to hospitals in recent times, 7. % were directly caused by the medicines that were taken by the patient or the failure of the medicines to act or the medicines were not taken properly by the patients. Further it was seen that 59% of these admissions could have been avoided as the causes were due to inappropriate care or errors in medication. In medical terms, the adverse effects on patients are called drug related morbidity and mortality. The cost of drug related morbidity and mortality in United States during 1995 to the healthcare system was $76. 6 billion. These costs have been rising at a very fast rate and the costs in 2000 went to a figure above the $177 billion mark. This also showed that hospital admissions related to drug related morbidity and mortality was now above 70% of the total costs. (Bajcar, 2003) The major cause behind this problem is the shortcoming in patient education as felt by the patients, though the groups of healthcare professionals at different levels are trying to give a lot of importance to it. The patients say that they are not given enough information about the side effects of medication, risks of medication, the choices that they have about medication and the period for which the medication should be taken. This problem has been realized and the differences which are being caused by the differences in the approach of the health care professional and patient requirements are being sorted out. The problem is the greatest for patients who are on long term medication. (Bajcar, 2003) The shortage of information to patients is because of not getting enough information, or not receiving the information they want, or not receiving the information in a manner that gives the patients a chance to ask questions or seek involvement from the patients, or providing them information that is suitable for their special needs. The difference is in what information the patients want and what information the health care professionals feel they should be given. There is a clear change among patients that they are informed about their healthcare, and this is line with the present day thinking that healthcare is centered on the patient, increase the participation of the patient, and give the patients greater powers. This will enable the patients to take better decisions. The problem is compounded by the fact that there is no proper literature regarding the education needs of patients, who are on long term medication. This does not permit an analysis of the education needs of these patients. At present the emphasis regarding education on medication taking by the patients has the greatest focus on the information to be provided by the healthcare professional and does not consider the educational aspect. The teachings to the professionals consist of sets of guidelines given to professional or a set of questions to be asked of the patient. These are not related to the understanding of how the patient is taking the medicine. This is leading to a situation where the medication taking practices of patients on long term medication is remaining underdeveloped, and this is also keeping in dark the relationship between the actual medication consumption and the final effects that the medication is providing. There are definite needs for the development of a model for education of patients regarding their taking of medicine, and for the present levels of knowledge are not adequate. (Bajcar, 2003) A similar area where there is a lack of communication between the doctors and the patients is in the area of health insurance. This is reflected from the continuous rise in numbers of Americans without insurance and these are causing poor access to health care systems in the country. It is seen that about 20% of the people in the country are not able to pay healthcare bills, and an even higher proportion of 25% forgo medication based on cost. This ultimately results in deaths of the order of 18,000 a year as was seen in 2000. There are certainly troubles that are being caused to individuals, but even the society is suffering. The costs of care for the patient keep increasing, and the final cost has to be met by the government which is reflected on the average citizen. (Will Insured Citizens Give Up Benefit Coverage to Include the Uninsured? ) Patients Need of Healthcare by Strategic Management The deliberative model in healthcare is expected to meet quite a few of the needs of the American public regarding the general area of healthcare. Of the many areas that may decide to look at this problem, an attempt is made here to look at two specific problems. One is the need of patients taking medicine properly and the other is the needs of patient care among all Americans. The problems in taking medication have been taken up on the issue of individual needs of patients for education on medicine taking. The education needs of patients in this area are not being met by healthcare providers. It may be worthwhile to take up a study to develop medication taking instructions for patients which can be used by health care providers in the long run. The aim should be to reach an approach which will be based on the view of patients regarding their needs of taking medicine and at the same time, also taking into account the concerned theories for health and education. The problem has been accentuated by the development of new medicines for the treatment of problems in diseases. This is clear when one notices that in Canada it self, 167 new drugs were introduced in the period from 1997 to 2001. This has led to the total number of drugs in the market reaching a figure of over 3,000. This shows that there is no shortage of drugs, yet a large number of patients are not being able to get the benefits that the medicines are expected to give. In one study it was seen that about 12% of the cases of hospitalization that are taking place now could be avoided if the condition of the patient was properly managed when the patient was undergoing treatment at home. They could have been cared for by family physicians, nurses and pharmacists. This is further accentuated with the knowledge given by another study that 43% of these avoidable admissions were in the area of some chronic diseases like asthma, diabetes or heart failure. These diseases require patients to use medicines over a long term. This shows clearly that patients with chronic diseases are being hospitalized regularly when they could have been cared for in the home by doctors working outside the hospitals. (Bajcar, 2003) When the patients are put on medicines, they should receive the maximum benefits from their medicines. For this purpose, the first point is the correct procedure of prescribing the medicine for the patient along with the dosing requirements. The second part is that these medicines have to be taken and this has to be done properly. This is generally decided by the patient. It has been seen in many instances that the process of preparing the prescriptions is not linked correctly to the process of taking the medicines. This often leads to the future hospitalization of the patient. During an analysis that was done recently it was seen that pf the total number of admissions to hospitals in recent times, 7. % were directly caused by the medicines that were taken by the patient or the failure of the medicines to act or the medicines were not taken properly by the patients. Further it was seen that 59% of these admissions could have been avoided as the causes were due to inappropriate care or errors in medication. In medical terms, the adverse effects on patients are called drug related morbidity and mortality. The cost of drug related morbidity and mortality in United States during 1995 to the healthcare system was $76. 6 billion. These costs have been rising at a very fast rate and the costs in 2000 went to a figure above the $177 billion mark. This also showed that hospital admissions related to drug related morbidity and mortality was now above 70% of the total costs. (Bajcar, 2003) The major cause behind this problem is the shortcoming in patient education as felt by the patients, though the groups of healthcare professionals at different levels are trying to give a lot of importance to it. The patients say that they are not given enough information about the side effects of medication, risks of medication, the choices that they have about medication and the period for which the medication should be taken. This problem has been realized and the differences which are being caused by the differences in the approach of the health care professional and patient requirements are being sorted out. The problem is the greatest for patients who are on long term medication. (Bajcar, 2003) The shortage of information to patients is because of not getting enough information, or not receiving the information they want, or not receiving the information in a manner that gives the patients a chance to ask questions or seek involvement from the patients, or providing them information that is suitable for their special needs. The difference is in what information the patients want and what information the health care professionals feel they should be given. There is a clear change among patients that they are informed about their healthcare, and this is line with the present day thinking that healthcare is centered on the patient, increase the participation of the patient, and give the patients greater powers. This will enable the patients to take better decisions. The problem is compounded by the fact that there is no proper literature regarding the education needs of patients, who are on long term medication. This does not permit an analysis of the education needs of these patients. At present the emphasis regarding education on medication taking by the patients has the greatest focus on the information to be provided by the healthcare professional and does not consider the educational aspect. The teachings to the professionals consist of sets of guidelines given to professional or a set of questions to be asked of the patient. These are not related to the understanding of how the patient is taking the medicine. This is leading to a situation where the medication taking practices of patients on long term medication is remaining underdeveloped, and this is also keeping in dark the relationship between the actual medication consumption and the final effects that the medication is providing. There are definite needs for the development of a model for education of patients regarding their taking of medicine, and for the present levels of knowledge are not adequate. (Bajcar, 2003) A similar area where there is a lack of communication between the doctors and the patients is in the area of health insurance. This is reflected from the continuous rise in numbers of Americans without insurance and these are causing poor access to health care systems in the country. It is seen that about 20% of the people in the country are not able to pay healthcare bills, and an even higher proportion of 25% forgo medication based on cost. This ultimately results in deaths of the order of 18,000 a year as was seen in 2000. There are certainly troubles that are being caused to individuals, but even the society is suffering. The costs of care for the patient keep increasing, and the final cost has to be met by the government which is reflected on the average citizen. (Will Insured Citizens Give Up Benefit Coverage to Include the Uninsured? )

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Benefits Of Distributed Leadership Education Essay

Leadership is non all down to the Head instructor, the caput of section or, in the schoolroom the instructor. If it is, cipher is larning anything at all about leading. The first regulation about leading is that it is shared. † ( Brighouse and Woods, 1999:45 ) Most frequently administrative leading is viewed as different from any sorts of leading in school. The functions might be different since most managerial functions are completed outside the schoolrooms while instructors ‘ leading is exercised within the schoolroom. Nevertheless in school, instructors, decision makers, Learning Support Assistants ( LSAs ) , parents and pupils can all work together towards the betterment of Distributed Leadership ( DL ) . That is why Sergiovanni states that, â€Å" If leading is a pattern shared by many so it must be distributed among those who are in the right topographic point at the right clip and among those who have the ability. † ( 2006:189-190 ) In this subdivision, literature will be organised and focused round the undermentioned inquiries: What are the benefits of distributed leading in a secondary school? To what extent is leading shared among all stakeholders in Sunflower School? How far can administer leading facilitate acquisition? How effectual to the schools ‘ betterment and success can administer leading be? What are the benefits of distributed leading in a secondary school? A successful leader is classified as such, when s/he manages to affect others in the procedure of leading. Harmonizing to Sergiovanni, when principals portion leading, they â€Å" acquire more power in return † ( 2006:185 ) . DL besides enables those involved to develop their ain leading accomplishments. With DL, Principals are assisting their co-workers by hiking their assurance, and to do their ain determinations ( Nicholls, 2000 ) . Recently, Mifsud found that â€Å" Maltese Heads practise shared decision-making to guarantee widespread ownership † ( 2008:7 ) . Therefore all teaching-staff ( Teachers and LSAs ) will go more independent, while staying with the School Development Plan ( SDP ) and course of study. Sharing leading with all stakeholders involves giving clip to accomplish good consequences ( Brighouse and Woods, 1999 ) . The â€Å" pure † type of collegiality ( Bush, 1995:52 ) works its best, when the establishment is formed by a little figure of staff. Having a big figure of teaching-staff will certainly do DL hard. Although in our school ‘s context we have a big figure of staff, DL can still work since the teaching-staff is divided into smaller groups. Likewise, Brighouse and Woods say that, â€Å" The smaller the school or learning unit, the more leading, every bit good as work, can be shared † ( 1999:45 ) . Harmonizing to Leithwood et Al DL helps instructors to be satisfied with their work, increases their â€Å" sense of professionalism † , stimulates â€Å" organizational alteration † , increases efficiency and encourages â€Å" cross-interactions † between teaching-staff ( 1999:115 ) . Although, Blase and Blase argue that intrusting instructors with self-autonomy and empowerment makes them experience â€Å" satisfied, motivated and confident † and they are likely to give their uttermost in their occupation ( 1994:29 ) ; this sometimes may besides take the teaching-staff to overmaster the Principal like it happens in our school. Yet, Blase and Kirby ( 1992 ) found that when instructors are empowered through liberty, their attitudes and public presentation will acquire better. Furthermore, even when leading is shared among teaching-staff and pupils, this creates an attitude of regard between them, particularly when they are so straight involved. Having a dem ocratic leader helps derive attentive hearing from subsidiaries, which in bend will besides assist better relationships. When instructors working in democratic schools but had old experiences in other schools which have autocratic leaders were interviewed Blase and Blase ( 1994 ) concluded that instructors ‘ schoolroom liberty enable them to hold category control. An bossy manner called by Brighouse and Woods â€Å" north pole-north pole leading † will take instructors to work to govern and nil more ( 1999:51 ) . In contrast holding a democratic manner called â€Å" north pole-south pole † where leading is shared among all stakeholders, will â€Å" unlock tremendous rushs of energy and attempt among professionals † ( Brighouse and Woods: 1999:51 ) . They besides argue, that sharing leading will alleviate Heads organize some leading emphasis. Thus DL, leads to sharing of duty which will non stay a load on the Head ‘s shoulders. Until late, harmonizing to Cauchi Cuschieri ( 2007 ) , leading in Maltese Church Secondary Schools was seen as the Head instructor ‘s occup ation. However, the manner used today is much more DL amongst stakeholders. In our school this is non the instance, since from its initiation, it was believed that DL enables sharing thoughts and duty which eventually leads to the school ‘s betterment. Duke et Al, ( 1980 ) established, that the school is democratic one when the teaching-staff, is involved in the procedure of determination devising. Likewise, Blase and Blase argue that â€Å" increasing teacher entree to determination devising is indispensable to authorising instructors † ( 1994:33 ) . Besides, Churchfields secondary school survey shows, that instructors feel the demand to take part in the school ‘s direction as it gives better consequences in the determination devising procedure ( Bush, 1995 ) . Finally, when a determination is taken, it is the teaching-staff ‘s duty to set it into action. So, being involved leads the staff to do a determination ( Bush, 1995 ) . Rivalland ( 1989 cited in Wolfendale 1992:57 ) presents a figure of benefits that can be achieved from parental engagement in schools: They work for a better acquisition environment since it is for their ain kid ‘s involvement ; Whatever is needed to be done in school, and whatever parents are able to make, they do it and they offer themselves as human resources to the school ; They create the larning connexion between schools and pupils ‘ several places ; With their presence in school, they will go cognizant of what the school needs from clip to clip. Although, Wolfendale ( 1992 ) argues, that holding parents involved in the survey and preparation of school ‘s behavior and subject policy will give a good consequence ; this may non be applicable in our school since it seems that the Parents and Teachers Association ( PTA ) tackles merely societal issues and personal concerns of parents. However, this will be investigated subsequently on in this survey. King provinces that pupils ‘ leading is largely exercised in the â€Å" prefectorial system † ( 1973:141 ) . However, this does non look to be the lone solution for our school, since leading is besides exercised through the pupils ‘ council. It is true that the ultimate duty of decision-making in schools is in the custodies of the Principal. However, as Frost claims â€Å" Schools can besides be enriched by pupils ‘ parts to decision-making and course of study development † ( 2008:356 ) . Furthermore, when pupils are consulted in certain affairs such as finance they are taught â€Å" some of the difficult lessons of democracy † ( Colgate, 1976:123 ) . Prefects and council members are pupils peculiarly chosen to assist in school control and determination devising. If their assignment is successful they may besides function as function theoretical accounts for other pupils ( King, 1973 ) . Contrary to all the benefits of affecting all stakeholders, one has to state that collegiality is an intense activity since it entails work after school hours. Likewise, Smylie and Denny ( 1990 ) argue that the engagement of the teaching-staff in leading may be clip devouring and may hold an consequence on the pupils ‘ demands. The clip for preparation and the support allocated for these maps are non plenty, argues White ( 1992 ) . These jobs make DL more hard to win. However since all teaching-staff in our school have free periods during the twenty-four hours, this may non be a job. Adding to this, holding a big figure of participants might make jobs in communicating, even when holding a broad scope of different positions from all participants ( Bush, 1995 ) . To what extent is leading shared among all stakeholders in Sunflower School? Leadership is non a one adult male occupation, because to be successful this must be shared. Moyo writes that: â€Å" The construct of distributed leading is the thought of sharing leading amongst all stakeholders. These stakeholders, as stated earlier include caput instructors, in-between leaders, instructors, parents and pupils. † ( 2010:25 ) â€Å" It is non leading if a individual orders, requires, seduces, or threatens another ‘s conformity, † ( Sergiovanni, 2006:192 ) . So true leading is when it is shared among all those holding the ability to be involved in it. Similarly, Brighouse and Woods emphasise that: â€Å" One individual may be ‘key ‘ but leading is shared – among students, instructors and other staff and members of the community † ( 1999:48 ) . Similarly, Leithwood et Al ( 1999 ) refers to DL as a cardinal component of many SDPs. Until late the Head instructor in Maltese schools was seen as the school ‘s ultimate authorization ( Mifsud, 2008 ) . Rather than holding an bossy school, holding a democratic one entails holding a DL ( Bush, 1995 ) . With coaction, and exchange of thoughts, jobs can be solved collegially, while single qualities are developed farther ( Leithwood et al, 1999 ) . This is what Bush calls collegiality ( 1995:52 ) , and claims that there are two different types of collegiality, one is the â€Å" restricted † , intending that a figure from the staff are chosen to take part in the procedure of determination devising, while the other called â€Å" pure † is the procedure which involves everyone every bit ( Bush, 1995:52 ) . Teachers, LSAs, parents and pupils who are â€Å" tremendously committed to kids and school life † ( Brighouse and Woods, 1999:49 ) are perfect for take parting in DL, because they are more accessible, more sure, and their chief end is school be tterment. In one of the interviews carried out in Blase and Blase ‘s ( 1994 ) survey, a instructor describes best what a shared administration principal ‘s attitude should be like, that is, to steer non to order. Teachers interviewed could do comparings of past and present principals. Although it ‘s ideal to affect everyone in the procedure of determination devising, in the context of our school, there should be a individual that leads both the treatment, and assumes duty for taking the concluding determinations, which should be the Principal or a delegate. About this, Blase and Blase province that â€Å" principals are compelled to presume full duty over all school affairs † ( 1994:78 ) . Dunford et Al besides maintain that â€Å" whilst the Head will stay the leader, others will necessitate to add a leading function to their direction duties † ( 2000:5 ) . Weick ( 1976, cited in Blase and Blase 1994:135 ) claims that now schools have developed into administrations, in which decision makers and instructors work individually and independently. This does non look to be our school ‘s state of affairs, as the stakeholders all seemed to be involved in teamwork. In contrast, Blase and Blase ( 1994 ) research presents principals under survey as being unfastened to others ‘ sentiments, collegiality and DL. When this issue of DL was introduced, most Senior Management Team ( SMT ) members were being involved. Arguing this Dunford et Al ( 2000 ) say that peculiarly holding more SMT members in a secondary school, leads to the shared duty and the constitution of different functions. Leithwood et Al ( 1999:121 ) in their survey found that instructors were most likely involved in â€Å" school planning and school construction and administration † while the principals ‘ leading is more focussed to direction issues. In our school this is non the instance as in school be aftering the Principal is the Chairperson. Normally, people think that teacher leading is exercised merely within the schoolroom. However, in democratic schools like ours, instructors are involved in all facets of the school, even when taking determinations. Blase and Blase besides province that, â€Å" Successful shared administration principals show trust in instructors ‘ capacity for responsible engagement in both school-level and classroom-level determination devising. † ( 1994:27 ) Similarly Leithwood et al argued that there are two signifiers of teacher leading ; one is the formal manner for leading of category control, or an informal one: â€Å" By sharing their expertness, volunteering for new undertakings and conveying new thoughts to the school†¦ assisting their co-workers to transport out their schoolroom responsibilities, and by helping in the betterment of schoolroom pattern, † ( 1999:117 ) . Brighouse and Woods ( 1999 ) concluded that because instructors are leaders in categories they do n't wish to be followings, and so anticipate to take part more in school leading. Furthermore, they besides say that: â€Å" Successful HeadsaˆÂ ¦ are work forces and adult females with ideals and the ability to portion those ideals with those whom they lead. † ( 1999:54 ) . Therefore, through the sharing and openness of thoughts, leading is shared and determinations taken will keep much more. However, in the context of our school, if leading is to be shared and if instructors are to work in different groups, they are to be monitored either by the Principal or adjunct principal. Furthermore Leithwood et Al, ( 2000 ) claim that the figure of people involved in DL varies harmonizing to different undertakings. â€Å" Most effectual distribution of leading maps would change the Numberss of people supplying leading in response to the complexness of the undertakings to be performed-more in the instance of complex undertakings and fewer in response to simple undertakings † ( 2007:58 ) . Research shows that in Malta, â€Å" Practically all schools have instructors involved in one squad or another † ( LIE, 2009:176 ) . The benefits of DL indicate that Maltese schools are seeking to work hard on it. Since 1980, the Education Act in England â€Å" ensured parental representation on school regulating organic structures † ( Wolfendale, 1992:62 ) . Likewise, the Maltese Education Act that was reformed in 2006 provinces that the Maltese Directorate for Educational Services, â€Å" Should advance, promote and supervise the democratic administration of schools through School Councils with the active engagement of parents, instructors and pupils. † ( GOM, 2006:7 ) Therefore the PTA and Students ‘ Council were introduced in Maltese Schools so that they may take part actively in school leading and determination devising. As Wolfendale ( 1992 ) said, the purpose for parents ‘ engagement is to stand for other parents, to discourse common involvement issues and to inform other parents of determinations taken through written handbills or school meetings. It is besides described as â€Å" a forum for instructors and parents to run into and prosecute in societal and possibly fundraising activities † ( Wolfendale, 1992:74 ) . Furthermore, research in Malta confirms that parents are so involved in policy determination devising and pattern ( LIE, 2009 ) . Parents are ever lament to take part in school leading for the benefits of their ain kids and for the schools ‘ betterment ( Wolfendale, 1992 ) . In our school, this may non be the state of affairs, since there are those who are inactive and do non take part in any activities or meetings even if it regards their ain kid ‘s involvements. In most of the Maltese schools or colleges, merely a little per centum of parents are involved through the PTA commission, while others get involved merely through activities organized by the school or the PTA. Some parents â€Å" are called upon by the schools to offer their expertness where necessary † ( LIE, 2009:175 ) . However, Wolfendale ( 1992 ) notes, that sometimes instructors do non experience the benefit of parental engagement in school. Harding and Pike ( 1988 cited in Wolfendale, 1992:59 ) suggest ways in which parents can be straight involved in the school. This can be done through: Personal contact with the school and staff ; Written communicating ; PTA or other parental groups within the school ; Their engagement in school affairs and acquisition. In contrast, in primary schools the rate of parental engagement in the PTA is higher than in the secondary. This most likely happens because secondary schools are much larger in figure and more instructors are involved, so the resonance between parents and instructors may non be that strong. These issues have been called by Wolfendale as troubles â€Å" to put up and keep teacher-parent enterprises in secondary schools † ( 1992:58 ) . The development of the School Development Plan was one of the chief activities where DL was exercised in Maltese schools with the purpose of including all stakeholders in planning and treatment. As the purpose was for the school ‘s betterment and improved acquisition for all pupils, it was noticed that pupils were non included in any of the treatment. This issue was subsequently tackled foremost by a pupils ‘ school council ( LIE, 2009 ) and so by an Ekoskola commission, which takes attention of the environment ( Bezzina, 2007 ) . Since, pupils are the concluding winners of the educational establishment, they should hold infinite and chances to portion their positions and speak about their demands. Bell and Harrison ( 1998 ) province that it is of common importance for the school to work in coaction with pupils and promote them in teamwork. Likewise, Brighouse and Woods ( 1999 ) emphasis the importance of affecting kids in leading functions within the school, to do them more responsible and fix them for the universe of work. However, there are two types of pupil leaders and these must be clearly distinguished. There are those called toughs, who use their power to intimidate others and as a consequence push off all other pupils. The other group is called â€Å" unofficial leaders † ( Brighouse and Woods, 1999:48 ) , who somehow ever attract others. Furthermore, they may be trusted and given a figure of leading responsibilities to transport out as they are seen by instructors as capable and responsible students. To separate between these sorts of leaders, the school can organize a socio-gram trial at the beginning or at the terminal of the scholastic twelvemonth. How far can administer leading facilitate acquisition? Leithwood et Al ( 1999 ) argue that there is a challenge between leading pattern, and the research that points out ways in which leading affects pupils and their acquisition. In contrast, Spillane claims that: â€Å" What matters for instructional betterment and pupil accomplishment is non that leading is distributed, but how it is distributed † ( 2005:149 ) . However, Leithwood et Al ( 2006b ) maintain that after schoolroom instruction, leading is following to act upon pupils ‘ acquisition. Recently, Leithwood and Massey emphasised that â€Å" Leadership is a major cause for the betterments in pupil accomplishment. † ( 2010:79 ) Principals and other SMT members are encouraged to work difficult towards making a better environment for better acquisition. This means that they are to guarantee that the school ambiance is good both for instructors to work in and for pupils to larn. This does non mention merely to the physical environment, but besides to the distribution of leading and instructors ‘ liberty. Principals ‘ credence of trust and DL within their school means that they let the teaching-staff choose their ways and agencies of learning that is best applicable for the pupils under their duty ( Blase and Blase, 1994 ) . This besides can be done through promoting teamwork between instructors and LSAs. Similarly, Bezzina claims that â€Å" Merely by affecting all stakeholders and esteeming differences can we give birth to new thoughts † ( 2006:86 ) and therefore make a better ambiance for better acquisition. Furthermore, Brighouse and Woods highlight that DL and coaction among all staff will ensue in: â€Å" raising the accomplishment of students † ( 1999:83 ) . Christopher Bezzina conducted a instance survey in one of the Maltese Church schools, where the academic accomplishment was non so high. The school ‘s Head, holding had experiences in different schools introduced the issue of DL for better acquisition. Teaching-staff, parents and pupils were encouraged to take part in the schools ‘ affairs and determination devising programmes. The consequence was successful concluding that â€Å" choice betterment enterprises placed a great accent on the leading of the administration † ( Bezzina 2008:23 ) . Therefore, one can reason that holding DL in a school has a great impact on acquisition. Harmonizing to Moyo, DL has an consequence on pupils ‘ larning through instructors, who are the closest leaders in contact with pupils and their acquisition ; â€Å" But in order to accomplish this, instructors need to be involved and motivated by the leading, † ( 2010:23 ) . Teachers holding a personal position of DL, aid kids to larn more. This is done by affecting them in leading pattern inside and outside the schoolroom. Brighouse and Woods ( 1999 ) note that even the type of teacher-student relationship has an influence on pupils ‘ acquisition. Furthermore, holding bossy leading manner in category does non assist in making a acquisition ambiance for pupils. The instructor with good pupil relationship encourages students to ne'er give up, and aim high in life for the hereafter. As stated by Blase and Blase ( 1994 ) , instructors ‘ liberty is when they are free to make up one's mind their ain ways and agencies, to transport out their work. In Malta, instructors ‘ liberty is largely linked with the schoolroom ; where they are free to plan their lesson programs, with their ain resources, while besides holding liberty to pupils ‘ control, which Blase and Blase ( 1994:73 ) name it â€Å" disciplinary affairs † . This sort of DL will besides act upon pupils ‘ acquisition. Besides this type of liberty in the schoolroom, new methods and techniques should be tried and encouraged. This so called â€Å" invention † facilitates larning for all pupils, as instruction becomes non merely one size fits all, but adapted particularly to the students ‘ demands ( Blase and Blase 1994:75 ) through the administration of differentiated acquisition. In school, this entails teamwork, reinforces collegiality and sharing of the resources within. For instructors to better pupils ‘ acquisition, they must foremost portion their ideals with others and so work together towards that ideal. â€Å" It is the occupation of the direction to convey those ideals together into common set of aims, † ( Brighouse and Woods, 1999:54 ) . Parents are considered as the first pedagogues, great subscribers of all facets of acquisition, and ever interested in assisting their kids to larn better. Wolfendale ( 1992:60 ) argues that, â€Å" parents as pedagogues, can do a important part to kids ‘s acquisition of reading and literacy accomplishments † . Furthermore, Leithwood et al argue that: â€Å" No affair what the pupil population, affecting parents chiefly in the instruction of their ain kids is most likely to lend to kids ‘s acquisition † ( 2006a:102 ) . The survey by HMI ( Her Majesty ‘s Inspectors ) showed that Parents ‘ engagement in schools, lead to pupils ‘ success ( 1991, cited in Wolfendale, 1992:56 ) . It ‘s interesting to analyze ways in which parents can assist both instructors and pupils in relation to acquisition. However, one must besides take note of the relationship that exists between parents and instructors and non do any occupation tampering. Normally, we merely think of academic consequences when it comes to pupils ‘ acquisition. However, research shows that through their engagement in leading, pupils gain more cognition and get new accomplishments. These accomplishments are needed for their hereafter in society. Frost claims that pupils ‘ engagement in leading besides helps them get other non-academic accomplishments ; â€Å" greater self-pride, heightened assurance, interpersonal and political accomplishments, and self-efficacy when pupils have chances to exert duty † ( 2008:356 ) . When given certain leading functions, pupils set their ain marks for larning through that experience ( Brighouse and Woods, 1999 ) , which might besides be of aid to other pupils. Brighouse and Woods ( 1999 ) argue that a instructor can give duty to pupils to assist those in demand in a certain affair. Through each other ‘s support, those that have less academic abilities will accomplish and larn more. Research shows that students have so much to state about their acquisition, and as such they should be consulted for the benefit of their acquisition, and the methodological analysis used by instructors in category ( Morgan, 2011 ) . How effectual to the schools ‘ betterment and success can administer leading be? Fink sees schools as â€Å" populating systems † where: â€Å" Leadership is distributed across the assorted cells that affect a school such as pupils, instructors, parents, brotherhoods, societal services, County Hall, and local communities † . ( 2010:44 ) Bezzina ‘s survey carried out in a Maltese Church School revealed, that when instructors were involved in DL â€Å" the bulk of staff felt responsible for finding the manner forward † ( 2008:24 ) . He so concluded that school betterment and success can be achieved, â€Å" with difficult work, forfeit and committedness expressed by the Head instructor, the senior leading squad, students, parents and instructors, † ( Bezzina, 2008:26 ) . LIE maintains that when a policy ‘s determination devising procedure involves all stakeholders in a school including, SMT, instructors, pupils and parents ; â€Å" Then the values which are held beloved by the school will be on the route to success because they would hold been owned by all † ( 2009:176 ) Brighouse and Woods ( 1999:45 ) confirm that research done in the yesteryear and once more recently by OFSTED shows that, â€Å" leading in schools is the cardinal factor in betterment and success † . They besides argue that, â€Å" A cardinal ingredient to school success is the extent to which the values of school life are shared among all the members of the community, † ( Brighouse and Woods, 1999:55 ) Harmonizing to Telford ( 1995 ) coaction between all stakeholders within a school brings about school betterment. She argues that the following points which lead to school betterment impact both the persons within the school and the establishment itself ; â€Å" Development of the educational potency of pupils, professional development of instructors, good organisational wellness, institutionalization of vision † ( Telford, 1995, cited in Bell and Harrison 1998:14 ) . It is interesting to observe that it is much easier for principals to command ends instead than worlds. To derive control for the achievement of a end, leading must be shared ( Sergiovanni, 2006 ) . Little ( 1981, cited in Sergiovanni, 2006:186 ) found that when principals work through collegiality with instructors, the school will better. It is of importance to equalise the principal and instructors ‘ sentiments in a treatment, since no 1 should be preferred to the others as everyone is sharing from his/her ain cognition, for the school ‘s best involvement ( Blase and Blase, 1994 ) . Similarly, Nicholls ( 2000 ) argue that leading is best carried out when a figure of people holding the same values and purposes challenge each other for acquiring better consequences. In other words, one can state that school leading is best fulfilled when all those involved in the establishment, portion their ideas without being considered as superior to one another. Therefore, â€Å" inc luding group activity liberates leading and provides the model we need for widespread engagement in bettering schools † ( Sergiovanni, 2006:186 ) . In successful schools, when a argument crops up on school betterment, the staff should work on: â€Å" Involving students, parents and governors † ( Brighouse and Woods, 1999:83 ) . Likewise, Davies and Davies ( 2010 ) besides claim that it is important to affect others in school leading as it leads to school betterment and success. Furthermore, they say that: â€Å" Prosecuting all the staff in treatments about where the school is, where it needs to travel and therefore the accomplishments and cognition we need to larn to accomplish advancement is a uniting factor. † ( Davies and Davies, 2010:15 ) Shared leading might convey about alterations which are required for school betterment to take topographic point. The best alteration is normally one generated from something or person within the school because it â€Å" Recharges energy in participants and embraces the greatest likeliness of betterment in instruction and acquisition manners, merely because it is so localized, † ( Brighouse and Woods, 1999:60 ) . Changes for school betterment are gained faster, when instructors are involved in the procedure of determination devising ( Bush, 1995 ) . Furthermore, Brighouse and Woods, ( 1999 ) argue that when alteration for school betterment is required, clip has to be allocated in the school ‘s journal, since the staff needs clip to work on the execution procedure. In their survey Leithwood et Al concluded that instructors consider their engagement in leading, as a measure for the school to be more â€Å" effectual † and â€Å" advanced † ( 1999:121 ) . Furthermore, when instructors are involved in the determination devising they are less likely to hold inauspicious reactions to principals ‘ outlooks. Harmonizing to Dunford et Al ( 2000 ) when the determination doing process involves those who are closest to its impact it gives a positive attitude towards school betterment. In add-on, they say that if secondary schools want to be effectual, leading must be shared at least among senior staff. Furthermore, Sergiovanni ( 2006 ) emphasises that in schools where power is shared among principals, instructors, parents and others, work is done autonomously towards schools purposes for school betterment. Likewise, Nicholls ( 2000 ) claims, that a shared vision is indispensable for school betterment. Trusting instructors through authorization may take principals to accomplish their coveted ends without enforcing them. â€Å" Building trust is critical to authorising instructors, † ( Blase and Blase, 1994:29 ) . They besides claim that this shows that the principal demonstrated great religion in them and valued them as experts and professionals, † ( Blase and Blase, 1994:77 ) . Teachers involved in different leading functions are expected to work for the betterment of the decision-making procedure ( Leithwood et al, 1999 ) . This collegial procedure of affecting others in the determination devising procedure is exercised through treatment and shared power in the establishment. â€Å" In a collegial, collaborative environment, principals systematically concentrate on enabling others to analyze and redesign schools for improved acquisition, and instructors learn to portion power and work as a squad. † ( Blase and Blase, 1994:33 ) Leithwood et Al ( 2007 ) concluded that when DL is implemented and when chances are offered, staff will be much more motivated to work towards school betterment. From their research Leithwood et al established that: â€Å" Informal leaders had more involvement with making high-performance outlooks and actuating others than formal school leaders, while formal leaders had more to make with identifying and jointing a vision. † ( 2007:57 ) With informal leaders we can include both parents and students. When pupils are at place most of them speak about their school experience with their siblings and through this parents get to cognize their ideas and feelings. Hence, parents might be another nexus between schools and kids. Parental engagement in schools may convey about alterations which will eventually take to school betterment. Similarly, Wolfendale argues that, â€Å" parental sentiment can be mobilized to convey about important alterations † ( 1992:63 ) . Decision â€Å" School ‘s success lies in the accomplishments and attitudes of the professional staff, non simply within the leading capablenesss of the principal. † ( Blase and Blase, 1994:28 ) Therefore DL is needed for growing and development because the Principal sometimes is in demand of other staff members to work out certain jobs. Harmonizing to Bezzina, DL â€Å" calls for an extension of that power vertically downwards to affect all members of staff, † ( 2000:305 ) . Furthermore, the concluding consequence of school success is a occupation that belongs to all stakeholders involved and non merely a Principal ‘s occupation. This is the purpose of this survey to look into the DL system in Sunflower school and eventually happen some recommendations to how it can be improved. As Mifsud suggests: â€Å" There could be infinite for more leading functions within the school and more enterprises by different stakeholders can be taken up, therefore widening the range for leading distribution. † ( 2008:8 ) Therefore through sharing leading with all stakeholders in the establishment both school and acquisition will be enriched.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

A View from the Bridge ends in tragedy Essays

A View from the Bridge ends in tragedy Essays A View from the Bridge ends in tragedy Paper A View from the Bridge ends in tragedy Paper ASSIGNMENT TITLE: A View from the Bridge ends in tragedy. Explore how the audiences response is shaped towards this conclusion throughout the play.  Arthur Miller is a world-renowned playwright and dramatist who was born in New York City in the year 1915. Miller studied at the University of Michigan where he started writing some of his better known plays. In the year 1955, Miller wrote a play called, A View from the Bridge, it is a 20th century interpretation of the dramatic form. It is set in the late 1940s amidst the Sicilian community in Brooklyn, New York. It is said to be a modern version of a Greek tragedy with its powerful speeches and references to fate. A lawyer, Alfieri re-tells his account as he oversees the events that take place. The play is in two acts, but careful incisions by Alfieri help the audience to reflect on the events that have just happened. The title of the play is based on the Brooklyn Bridge and Alfieri having a view from on top of it. Since this play is supposed to be a modern version of a Greek tragedy, tragic events take place throughout the play. The concept of impending doom is something that is threatening to happen, and throughout this essay, I will go into depth about how Arthur Miller created this atmosphere through his written language and stage directions. Eddie Carbone is introduced into the play as a slightly overweight longshoreman and we see straight away that he is a character of authority when Catherine appears and waits on him in an affectionate way. Catherine is an 18-year old who, because of her mothers death is living with her Aunt Beatrice and her husband, Eddie. Eddie has taken upon himself to be a father to Catherine and to give her the very best in life. Therefore, because of his fatherly affections Eddie and Catherine have developed a close family relationship. Eddies first comments to Catherine this early in the play are all centred on Catherines appearance. References made about her hair, clothes and about her walkin wavy. This obsessive attention to Catherines physical appearance is extremely questionable especially when he asks her to turn around so he can see her back. When Eddie becomes quite adamant that he disapproves of the way she walks, Catherine is almost in tears. This simple act of crying shows the audience immediately how naive and vulnerable she is. Beatrice, Eddies wife doesnt seem to notice or observe the actions of Eddie and his niece Catherine.  The play then plummets into the arrival of Beatrices two cousins from Italy who are illegal immigrants. The honour that is bestowed upon the family as Eddie says, is pride. The law does not matter in this community they make the rules. Eddie ironically tells the tragic story of Vinny Bonzano who told the Immigration Bureau that his uncle was an illegal immigrant and staying with them. He was then disowned from the community. This states the harsh reactions that the community has against someone who breaks the code. The result is always violence. The arrival of the cousins creates apprehension and Marco who is the eldest is very courteous towards Eddie. Rodolpho is the younger of the two and he is blonde. This fascinates Catherine and she voices her fascination. The arrival of the two brothers, Marco and Rodolpho has a big impact in the way Eddie acts. He is more aggressive and agitated. This results in more violence between the two brothers and Eddie.  Miller presents emotion with Eddies character. We can indicate that the play is more violent and confused, as Marco and Rodolpho are more involved with Eddie and his way of life.  Alfieri is the voice of faith and acts as the chorus in the play. He helps the audience to reflect on the events that have just occurred. He launches into graphic detail about past bandits and murders and about how justice is very important to the Italians. The community is the gullet of New York, which is swallowing the tonnage of the world. U.S. Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy was one of the most controversial figures of the 1950s. His charges that the U.S. State Department had been infiltrated by Communists were never substantiated, but his widespread popularity caused many government officials to avoid challenging him. After televised hearings in 1954 where he accused the U.S. Army of coddling Communists, he lost popular support and was censured by the Senate for methods he used in his investigations. Miller used the era of McCarthyism to reflect his play on the laws and views of illegal immigrants entering the country.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Dorothy Dandridge, First Oscar-Nominated Black Actress

Dorothy Dandridge, First Oscar-Nominated Black Actress Dorothy Dandridge (Nov. 9, 1922–Sept. 8, 1965) had everything it took to succeed in 1950s Hollywood- she could sing, dance, and act, and was beautiful- but she was born black. Despite the biased era in which she lived, Dandridge became the first black woman to grace the cover of Life magazine and to receive an Academy Award nomination for best actress in a major motion picture. Fast Facts: Dorothy Dandridge ï » ¿Known For: Groundbreaking black actor, singer, dancerBorn: Nov. 9, 1922 in Cleveland, OhioParents: Ruby and Cyril DandridgeDied: Sept. 8, 1965 in Hollywood, CaliforniaAwards and Honors: Academy Award nomination, Golden GlobeSpouse(s): Harold Nicholas, Jack DenisonChildren: LynnNotable Quote: If I were white, I could capture the world. Early Life When Dorothy Dandridge was born in Cleveland, Ohio, on Nov. 9, 1922, her parents had already separated. Dorothy’s mother, Ruby Dandridge, was five months pregnant when she left her husband Cyril, taking their older daughter Vivian with her.  Ruby believed her husband was a spoiled mamas boy who would never leave his mother’s house, so she left. Ruby supported her daughters with domestic work. Dorothy and Vivian displayed an early talent for singing and dancing and began performing at local theaters and churches when Dorothy was 5. Ruby’s friend Geneva Williams, moved in, and although she taught the girls to play the piano, she pushed them hard and cruelly punished them. Ruby never noticed. Years later, Vivian and Dorothy figured out that Williams was their mothers lover. She and Williams labeled Dorothy and Vivian The Wonder Children. They moved to Nashville, and Dorothy and Vivian signed with the National Baptist Convention to tour churches throughout the South. The Wonder Children toured for three years, attracting regular bookings and earning a solid income, but Dorothy and Vivian wearied of the act and long hours practicing. They had no time for activities normal for youngsters their age. Lucky Breaks The Great Depression dried up bookings, so Ruby moved them to Hollywood. where Dorothy and Vivian enrolled in dance classes. When Ruby heard the girls and a dance school friend sing together, she knew they were a great team. Now known as The Dandridge Sisters, their big break came in 1935 when they appeared in the Paramount musical The Big Broadcast of 1936. In 1937, they had a small part in the Marx Brothers film A Day at the Races. In 1938 the trio appeared in Going Places, performing Jeepers Creepers with Louis Armstrong, and was booked at New Yorks Cotton Club.  Williams and the girls moved there, but her mother, having found small acting jobs, stayed in Hollywood. In Cotton Club rehearsals, Dorothy met Harold Nicholas of the Nicholas Brothers dance team and they began dating. The Dandridge Sisters were a hit and attracted lucrative offers. Perhaps to get Dorothy away from Nicholas, Williams signed them for a European tour. They dazzled European audiences, but the tour was shortened by World War II. The Dandridge Sisters returned to Hollywood, where the Nicholas Brothers were filming. Dorothy resumed her romance with Nicholas. The Dandridge Sisters performed a few more engagements but eventually split up. Dorothy then began to work on a solo career. Hard Lessons Hoping to succeed without help from her mother or Williams, Dandridge landed small parts in low-budget films, including Four Shall Die (1940), Lady From Louisiana (1941), and Sundown (1941), and sang and danced with the Nicholas Brothers to Chattanooga Choo Choo† in Sun Valley Serenade (1941) with the Glenn Miller Band. Dandridge refused demeaning roles offered to black actors- savages, slaves, or servants- but the sisters worked steadily. They both married in 1942, with 19-year-old Dorothy Dandridge wedding 21-year-old Nicholas on Sept. 6. After a life of hard work, all she wanted was to be the ideal wife. Nicholas started taking long trips, however, and when he was home he spent his time playing golf or philandering. Dandridge blamed her sexual inexperience for Nicholass infidelity. When she happily discovered she was pregnant, she believed Nicholas would settle down. Dandridge, 20, delivered a lovely daughter, Harolyn (Lynn) Suzanne Dandridge, on Sept. 2, 1943. She was a loving mother, but as Lynn grew, Dandridge sensed something was wrong. Her hyper 2-year-old cried constantly and didnt interact with people. Lynn was deemed developmentally disabled, likely due to lack of oxygen during birth. During this troublesome period, Nicholas was often physically and emotionally unavailable. In 1949, she obtained a divorce, but Nicholas avoided paying child support. Now a single mother, Dandridge reached out to her mother and Williams to care for Lynn until she could stabilize her career. Club Scene Dandridge loathed nightclub performing but knew an immediate, substantial movie role was unlikely. She contacted an arranger she had worked with at the Cotton Club, who helped her become a sultry, dazzling performer. She was mostly well received but learned that racism in many places, including Las Vegas, was as bad as in the Deep South. Being black, she couldnt share a bathroom, lobby, elevator, or swimming pool with whites. Even when she was headlining, her dressing room was usually a janitors closet or dingy storage room. But critics raved about her performances. She opened at the famed Mocambo Club in Hollywood and was booked in New York, becoming the first African-American to stay in and perform at the Waldorf Astoria. Club dates gave Dandridge publicity to land film work. Bit parts flowed in, but Dandridge had to compromise her standards, agreeing in 1950 to play a jungle queen in Tarzan’s Peril. Finally, in August 1952, Dandridge got the lead in MGMs Bright Road, an all-black production about a Southern schoolteacher. She was ecstatic about her role, the first of three film appearances she made with Harry Belafonte- who eventually became a close friend. Stardom Good reviews earned an even greater prize. The lead in the 1954 movie Carmen Jones, based on the opera Carmen, called for a sultry vixen. Dandridge was neither. Director Otto Preminger reportedly thought she was too classy to play Carmen. Dandridge donned a wig, a low-cut blouse, a seductive skirt, and heavy make-up. When she entered Premingers office the next day, he reportedly yelled, Its Carmen! Carmen Jones opened on Oct. 28, 1954, and was a smash. Dandridges performance made her the first black woman on the cover of Life magazine. Then she learned of her Academy Award nomination for best actress. No other African-American had earned that distinction. After 30 years in show business, Dorothy Dandridge was a star. At the Academy Award ceremony on March 30, 1955, Dandridge shared the nomination with Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Jane Wyman, and Judy Garland. Though Kelly won for her role in The Country Girl, Dandridge at 32 had broken through Hollywoods glass ceiling. Tough Decisions While Carmen Jones was filming, Dandridge began an affair with Preminger, who was separated but still married. In 1950s America, interracial romance was taboo, and Preminger was careful to show only a business interest in her publicly. In 1956, she was offered the supporting role of slave girl Tuptim in The King and I, but Preminger advised against it. She regretted turning it down when The King and I became enormously successful. Dandridges relationship with Preminger soon soured. She was pregnant, but he refused to get a divorce. He broke off their relationship and Dandridge had an abortion to avoid scandal. Afterward, Dandridge was seen with many white co-stars. Anger over her dating â€Å"out of her race† flooded the media. In 1957, a tabloid reported on a tryst between her and a Lake Tahoe man.  Dandridge testified in court that such a liaison was impossible because a curfew for people of color confined her to her room. She won a $10,000 settlement. Bad Choices Two years after Carmen Jones, Dandridge returned to acting. Fox cast her alongside Belafonte in Island in the Sun, a controversial movie dealing with interracial relationships. She protested the dispassionate love scene with her white co-star, but the producers were nervous. The film was successful but deemed nonessential by critics. Dandridge was frustrated. She couldnt find opportunities to showcase her talents and her career lost momentum. While the United States pondered race issues, Dandridges manager Earl Mills secured a role for her in the French film Tamango. The movie, which portrayed her in steamy love scenes with blond co-star Curd Jurgens, was a hit in Europe but wasnt shown in America until four years later. In 1958, Dandridge was chosen to play a native girl in The Decks Ran Red. Like Tamango, it was considered unremarkable. Dandridge was desperate, so when she was offered the lead in a major production of Porgy and Bess in 1959, she jumped at it. The characters were stereotypes- drunks, drug addicts, rapists, and other undesirables- that she had avoided her entire career, yet she was tormented by her refusal to appear in The King and I. Against the advice of Belafonte, who turned down Porgy, Dandridge accepted the role of Bess. Her performance won a Golden Globe, but the film didnt live up to the hype.   Hitting Bottom Dandridge married restaurant owner Jack Denison on June 22, 1959. Dandridge loved his attention, but his restaurant was failing, so she agreed to perform there to attract business. Mills, now her former manager, warned against it, but she listened to Denison. Dandridge soon discovered that Denison was physically abusive. Adding insult to injury, an investment she had made turned out to be a scam. Dandridge was broke. She began drinking heavily while taking anti-depressants. She finally kicked Denison out of her Hollywood Hills home and filed for divorce in November 1962. Dandridge, who earned $250,000 the year she married Denison, filed for bankruptcy after losing everything. Things got worse. She hadnt paid her daughters caretaker for two months, so she was caring for Lynn, now 20, violent, and unmanageable. No longer able to afford private care, she had to commit Lynn to the state mental hospital. Increasingly desperate, Dandridge contacted Mills, who agreed to manage her again and help her regain her health. He got her into a health spa in Mexico and planned several nightclub engagements there. By most accounts, Dandridge was coming back strong, receiving enthusiastic responses for the Mexican performances. She was scheduled for a New York engagement but fractured her foot on a flight of stairs while in Mexico. The doctor recommended having a cast placed on her foot. Death On the morning of Sept. 8, 1965, back in Hollywood, Dandridge asked Mills to reschedule the appointment for her cast so she could get more sleep. When he went to pick her up that afternoon, he found her on the bathroom floor, dead at age 42. Her death was initially attributed to a blood clot from her fractured foot, but an autopsy revealed a lethal dose of the anti-depressant Tofranil. Whether the overdose was accidental or intentional remains unknown. Legacy Dandridges last wishes, left in a note given to Mills months before her death, were for all her belongings to go to her mother. Despite her Life magazine cover, her Oscar nomination, her Golden Globe, and her extensive body of work, only $2.14 remained in her bank account after her death. Sources Dorothy Dandridge: American Singer and Actress. Encyclopedia Britannica.Dorothy Dandridge Biography. Biography.com.